Just a little bit about myself and my clan: I am a 34 year old mom of 2 little boys (nicknames "Bug" and "The Elf"). For some reason, I always find a way to invent a nickname for my children (don't ask me why, because I don't know why). W, or Bug, is my 2 1/2 year old. He is my "Little Napoleon," who could start a war over an ice cream sandwich. He also can rock some curly blonde Billy Idol hair. My youngest, S (the Elf), was born in September of last year. S is as laid back as you can get. He only really fusses when he has a huge blowout in his diaper, or he is craving his bottle.
I became a stay at home mom when my 1st son was born. My husband and I decided to make our sacrifices, and have one parent at home with the kids full time. I am grateful that we are able to do this, even though I am pretty sure my gray hairs have had a growth spurt since being at home. Thank god for hair dye. Anyway, I do work part time on the weekends when my husband gets a chance to hang out with the boys and see what I do on a daily basis. Life is chaotic here, and the best piece of advice I can give to a new stay at home mom is..ROUTINE ROUTINE ROUTINE. Seriously, get yourself on a schedule and this will make your chaos be controlled chaos, and make the day go by so much smoother for you.
I grew up in a small town in PA. My mom stayed at home full time with us, and my dad was a veterinarian. I had the opportunity to grow up in a house filled with pets ranging from a hemophiliac dog to a raven that ate road kill (maybe that is why I didn't get a prom date). I knew what hemophilia was by the time I was 7 years old, and my sisters and I got to bring in really cool props for show and tell such as a dog heart preserved in formaldehyde. In case you are wondering, no, we did not grow up like the Munsters. I have 2 sisters, and I am the middle child.
I earned my degree in Biology in college, and went on to go to physical therapy school. I do practice as a physical therapist, and in 2009 I was able to finish my doctorate degree with a whole lot of multitasking and diaper changing going on.
I met my husband, Bran, in 2005 at a bar at the beach. I proved my mom wrong when she said that you cannot meet anyone decent in a bar. By the way, she LOVES my husband, and just gushes over him any time she can (points for him..AND me!). B is totally left brained, and analytical, while I am right brained, and perhaps a little bit eclectic and eccentric. Between the both of us, we have both brain hemispheres covered.
I am also a HUGE animal person, and we have 6 cats, plus a stray cat, "Major Tom" who adopted us, and lives on my deck in a wooden house that my husband built for him. Some of my other interests include music (I have played piano and violin since I was a youngin), hiking in desolate areas (sorry everyone--but I hate going to overly crowded tourist spots where you are trying to enjoy the serenity, and just get caught up in a plume of nicotine, and blinding camera flashes), art, and the paranormal (insert Michael Myers music here). I just recently created a Etsy website, where I am designing different pet products. If you are looking for bling for your pets, check it out: http://www.etsy.com/shop/shan32?ref=si_shop
My life is very busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. For all new parents out there, having kids is a huge adjustment, but it is the most rewarding gift possible!
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