Today is one of those days where your feet ache, brain is jumbled, and you are craving a nice big glass of red wine (which I am sipping on now!)..No one napped, Winston fell twice and scraped his knees, and the cats puked several times all over the house--making sure to only hit the carpets. I of course added to the mess by spilling the kids milk all over the floors which the cats subsequently thought was their afternoon dessert. I swear I should by stock in Swiffer, since my floors probably harvest all sorts of microbes. I was counting down the seconds until 6pm when my husband usually gets home, so that I could have a moment to relax and stretch out my plantar fascia (it aches terribly!!!!). Right now, all is quiet. Winston is watching his two tvs, and Sheldon is crawling around the floors which presently have no emesis on it! Hope everyone has a good night. I'm going to settle into bed after the kids' baths and enjoy the dysfunction of Teen Mom.
A real and honest account of being in the thick of parenthood! Blogging the daily shenanigans of our 2 young boys and 6 fur kids...(with some other stuff thrown in the mix too!)
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk
Today is one of those days where your feet ache, brain is jumbled, and you are craving a nice big glass of red wine (which I am sipping on now!)..No one napped, Winston fell twice and scraped his knees, and the cats puked several times all over the house--making sure to only hit the carpets. I of course added to the mess by spilling the kids milk all over the floors which the cats subsequently thought was their afternoon dessert. I swear I should by stock in Swiffer, since my floors probably harvest all sorts of microbes. I was counting down the seconds until 6pm when my husband usually gets home, so that I could have a moment to relax and stretch out my plantar fascia (it aches terribly!!!!). Right now, all is quiet. Winston is watching his two tvs, and Sheldon is crawling around the floors which presently have no emesis on it! Hope everyone has a good night. I'm going to settle into bed after the kids' baths and enjoy the dysfunction of Teen Mom.
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