Hello. Thank God it is Friday. The weekend is almost here, and my husband will be home to share in the stress induced by multiple temper tantrums. Yesterday I took the kids to the Kids Museum. Sheldon was awarded a gold star for his behavior there. Winston, on the other hand, was awarded the "Most Dramatic-Best Temper Tantrum-Loudest Screaming-Most Misbehaved-All Eyes On You" Award. Things were going well, until Winston started playing at the communal building blocks table. Let's just say that, despite W's expansive vocabulary, the word "sharing" is not included. He threw a fit when other kids started playing with blocks. You would have thought he was auditioning for the starring role in the re-make of the Exorcist. We are talking all out screaming, stomping feet, almost hyperventilating, face all red kind of tantrum. The kind where every parent in the room stops and has a complete "WTF" moment. After about 15 minutes of his stellar display of acting out, I called my husband and asked if he could meet up with us there, because I was about ready to create bald patches on my head from pulling my hair out. Brandon works about 5 minutes from the museum, and he could hear W in the background, so he took an early lunch to come and meet us. Winston finally calmed down, but he was tired after expending so much energy tantruming (is that a word??). I just wonder how many calories you can burn with a tantrum?!
Today was not much better. Winston was up at 3:30 this morning, so he was still tired when he woke up later on. I packed all of the supplies needed to survive 2 hours at the park, and drove the kids to the playground. We were there for maybe 5 minutes before W transformed into a 50 year old grump. The list of complaints I heard, "no one is here...the slides are all wet...it's too hot...go home....put baby back in the stroller....the bench is all wet...my shorts are now all wet...etc. etc." I could tell it was time to go when a woman started talking about how she wished she watched Super Nanny when her kids were young, and how these young moms these days can learn a lot from watching it. Yeah, whatever...
When we got home, Winston decided to unravel the entire paper towel roll all over the floor while I was mopping the dining room floor. He had unraveled the toilet paper roll all over the floor this morning. He finds such amusement in doing this, since Sophia, on Teen Mom unraveled toilet paper on the floor. Just an FYI-we do not allow W to watch reality shows on MTV. He just happened to come into the room when my husband and I were watching it. Sheldon crawled over to the paper towel pile, and tried eating it while Winston was having a blast rolling around in all the paper. I really felt like I was living the toddler version of "Lord Of The Flies." All is well now, though, because both my little guys are asleep, looking like complete angels snuggled in their beds. This will be a nice 2 hour respite from the chaos!
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